Enabler and Developer
in clean and affordable energy
Enabler and Developer
in clean and affordable energy
Power up your sustainable life with solar
Embedding solar into everyday life whereever
Aesthetic value-creation for your garden with solar
A leading developer in Solar Energy Hub for your EVs and society
A professional developer in solar parks up to 530 MWp
Enabler in the innovation of solar with battery and fast charging technology
Solar air conditioner gives your life a higher quality and content
Solar roof tiles enable your house green, smart, aesthetic, and sustainable.
New buildings and existing buildings with BIPV modules as roofs, facades, or skylights
-> YATOO Ocean AS:
Organization No.:
NO 924 780 347
Birkelundsbakken 1A, Bergen Norway
-> Our co-developers:
Our commitment
To seek an affordable and reliable clean energy solution for society and individuals.
Useful links
© 2023 | YATOO Ocean AS
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